Project To Replace Roof & Doors 

We need to raise £86,565 for our Roof and Door Replacement Project. The Village Hall roof leaks under certain weather conditions and last autumn was very problematic. And although we have sought advice over many years from experts and made changes at much expense none of the solutions offered actually resolved the leaking problem. The latest advice is that the only solution is to replace the roof before the building becomes unviable. The good news is that the new roof comes with additional integral insulation and better sound attenuation than the existing roof. The new roof will take about four weeks to install so we plan to take the opportunity to replace all the external doors which are wooden and starting to rot, making the building very draughty. The new doors are designed to comply with accessibility regulations, energy efficiency and improve the overall security of the building.  Overall, the project will significantly improve the sustainability of the building.  Our financial plan: the management committee has allocated £15,000 to start the fundraising and we already have pledges of another £10,608. We are in the process of applying to grant bodies for further funds. Most Grant bodies look for evidence that the community supports the project. This is where we need your help. If you are able to support this project please use the Donate button at the bottom of this webpage.  If you prefer you may email the 

Fund for Car Park Maintenance

We don't charge for parking at the Village Hall but we would welcome donations to help us keep the car park in good order. See below for the Donate button options.

Funding Playingfield and Sports Court

Please help us to keep the Playingfield and Sports Court in good order. See below for Donate button options.